Adult Content

BIBLIOPHONE adult content guidelines.


why do we ask if your work contains adult content?

We understand that not all work is suitable for every potential listener, just like movies, console games and other sources of entertainment. So it’s important that we let our users know that they might be accessing something with an adult theme or content.

what is classed as adult content?

Try to think of your work in terms of a film/movie rating. If it would be adult rated because it contains gratuitous violence, swearing or sex, then you should mark your work as containing adult content. As with PG or universally rated films/movies the occasional swear word, particularly if used in characterisation, is acceptable. But gratuitous and sexually-related swear words are deemed to be of an adult nature and your work, if it contains these, should be marked as such.

Similarly, if your work contains scenes of gratuitous violence, blood or gore, you should mark it as containing adult content.

Please note that by marking your work as containing adult content you do not filter it out of any searches. We simply place a warning next to your work as a courtesy to our under-18 listeners and for any adults who might find the material within your work offensive due to an adult nature.

Be aware that according to Bibliophone’s Terms of Use any obscenely gratuitous violence, insight to violence or racism may result in your work being removed/not accepted. Please refer to Bibliophone’s Terms of Use for more information.

These notes are for guidance and we request that in submitting your work you employ common sense as to whether it would be appropriate to children.