The Spindrift by Ellie Martin

The Spindrift
by Ellie Martin

Genre: Adventure

Written and narrated by Ellie Martin
Copyright ©2017 by Ellie Martin



Fishermen and smugglers alike played a hazardous game in the Cornish seas during the 1800's, many were taken by the tide or shot bringing illegal bounty ashore, while at home their loved ones faced an endless wait.

The author has indicated this work contains some adult content. This is how we advise authors about adult content.



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about the author

I was born in the East End of London in an area that was still covered by wartime debris, where we lived in an old house supported by three wooden buttresses. It was small and very cold in winter, heated by a coal fire and a paraffin stove where Mum worked endlessly shopping, cooking and cleaning everything manually.

What a change to the life we live now surrounded with technology at our fingertips, yet, personally I feel I have been privileged to have experienced that time, to have had a foot in each camp, be it modern or out dated, because even though push button A/B telephones and black and white TV doesn't sound terribly interesting to the young, the community and determination of the people of those days continually pull so many of my emotional cords.


listener reviews

The dark of the night by Maria Adams on 20 July 2017

Mary was waiting for her husband and son to come home from a fishing trip and the weather had deteriorated into a full storm.

She went out in the harsh weather to try to find out if there was any sighting of their boat. Mary wandered into places that were unfriendly in the hope of finding news.

An old friend was able to reassure Mary that her men were safe. But he also gave her more anguish when Mary learns that it is more than fish the men are after. Her anguish and temper have no bounds

Rating: 10/10